So keep taking them!

Ever look ahead at your big hairy audacious goal and think it looks so far away? Then you look behind you at all you did so far towards that goal and it doesn't seem like that much? So you get disheartened, will you ever reach your goal? Should you give up? But just look again at all you have done. It took a whole lot of small steps to get you to where you are now. And each one of those steps was a step closer to the life you want to create. So here is my invitation to you. Take one small step.
Do one thing. Staying in the disheartened zone and giving yourself a hard time will do nothing to motivate you. But taking action, even one small action, will give you a little dopamine hit and you will want to do more. You will naturally feel more positive and confident. So what will it be? Want to eat better? Cut out the crisps/chocolate/take out one extra day a week. Want to get fit? Go for a 10 minute power walk if you're starting at zero, add 10 minutes to your run/workout if you're trying to do more.
Want more confidence? Do one thing that you feel apprehensive about. What to change career? Research the job you want to change to. Email a recruiter. What to stop hitting snooze 5 times? Hit snooze 4 times! I think you get where I'm going with this. Stop looking at the end and look at the first of the hundred tiny steps you can take to get you to the end! Small steps are still progress. (What one small step will you take? I'd love to know! Hit reply to this email to tell me).