As popular as New Year’s Resolutions are, I like to do a review, check in and forward planning session with myself in the run up to September. It feels appropriate, the summer is at an end, the last quarter of the year is approaching, and for many, children, teachers, parents, university staff, it really is a new year, a new academic year. It’s that back-to-school mindset that makes me want to think about the year thus far, look at where I might want to set new structures, habits and boundaries that will serve my wellbeing and my business and set a plan to see the year out with energy, presence, and joy. September is an opportunity to look at where you are and think about where you want to be and then decide where you want to send your focus for the last 4 months of the year to help you get there.
So for me, right now is a good time to look back and reflect on the years achievements, acknowledge them, and allow myself a little celebration for those achievements. I want to reflect on where I am now and ask myself where I want to be by December 31st. How do I want to finish the year?
So, here’s how I like to do my September Reset:
1. Past - What have I achieved?
It is so tempting to let the brain do its negative thing, and ask ourselves what we haven’t achieved, but that’s not going to do a whole lot for our motivation moving forwards. It will just leave us feeling disappointed and maybe like we just aren’t good enough, and this simply isn’t true! It is important to look at what went well, at all that we have achieved and changed for the better. As a coach, I of course like to focus on the future and remain forward thinking, how can I get from x to y? etc. But it is also a very special thing to stop and take stock, have a recap, and acknowledge what’s gone well. This encourages me to look at why my achievements worked out, and I can look at applying the habits and behaviours that supported me to get there going forwards. It also gives me a little positivity boost and helps me keep on keeping on.
2. Present - What’s working well?
Because our brains are so focused on the negative, it’s great to look at what’s not working. Our negativity bias means it’s very very easy to find these out. But what IS working for you? What habits, structures, behaviours, thought patterns and routines make you feel like your best you? Right, now how can you ensure you keep these up and where else can you apply them that may serve you to achieve your goals going forwards? Ask yourself, what brings you joy? Where do you get your energy? What motivates you? What’s going on when you are working at your most productive? Answer these questions and look at how you can incorporate more of this into your life.
3. Future - What do you want to achieve by the end of the year?
Include personal and professional goals here. After all, if you feel well, you work well. Really visualise where you want to be, how you want to feel, who are you with, where are you, what you want to have done? Create a solid, concrete goal as best you can because knowing where you want to be makes it easier to create a plan to get there. What steps do you need to take to get you to where you want to be by 31st December? Are there any habits and routines that aren’t supporting this that you can let go of, and which ones will support this and should you keep up? Where else might you begin to implement these? When I am exploring this part of my September Reset, I must include my wellbeing and self-care. This is a priority because I don’t want to reach my goals burnt out and unable to enjoy them. Winter is coming, darker days, colder weather, so I need to plan to not let my eye off the self-care ball. That’s why I create the habits now, so when the cold, dark days appear I’m already accustomed to going to that yoga class at that time or going straight from my commute to the pool. I’ll be less likely to talk myself out of something that is just part of my routine.
This is an exciting time! Embrace it, keep going, you are so close! Each tiny step you take is getting you closer to the top of your metaphorical mountain. You’ve got this!