It's November already! We have bid adieu to October for another year. October for me always feels like a month of great transition. Leaves turn from green, to yellow, red and brown. We start to feel the change in weather and the days have less light. Our Summer clothes are replaced for warm and cosy knits.
This seasonal change brings with it a chance to reflect on the year thus far and the goals we have set for the end of the year. It's important to evaluate not just what we are aiming for but how far we have come, how we have changed, grown and evolved and what those changes brought about in our lives.
Here are some questions I like to ask myself when doing monthly reflections, I hope they may be of help to you, too.
· What were my accomplishments this month? Celebrate!
· What challenges was I faced with and how did I overcome them?
· What learnings did the month hold?
· Did I gain new knowledge or skills?
· What did I learn about myself?
· What goals did I achieve and what ones did I not manage to achieve? What got in the way and how can I move it out of the way?
· What steps did I take towards my long term goals?
· Did I encounter setback or failure this month? What did I learn from this?
· Did I look after my self-care this month?
· What brought me joy this month?
· Are there any habits that I feel served me well and want to continue? Are there any habits I want to let go of or tweak? (See my previous newsletter and blog post on Habits!)
Great job reflecting! Now don't stop there!
Time to look ahead to a new month and new beginnings!
· What are my top three priorities for November?
· What steps do I want to take towards my short term (monthly) and long term goals?
· Is there anything I want to do differently next month?
· How can I maintain or improve motivation and productivity?
· What self-care practices do I want to continue and are there any I want to start?
· What relationships do I want to nurture this month?
There are many more questions we can ask ourselves to help us reflect and we have to find what works for us. Sometimes I pick and choose and sometimes, if I'm feeling up for a deeper dive, I cosy up for an hour and go through all the questions, journaling on each one.
I hope this helps you to acknowledge the journey you have been on in 2023, to be proud of what you achieved in October and excited about all you can achieve in November.
You are in control of your own destiny!
If you would like support in reaching your big hairy audacious goals and help identifying your habits, behaviours and limiting beliefs and working towards changing these, hit the Contact Me link below and we can have a call to discuss how coaching benefits habit and behaviour change as well as getting you closer to your exciting and transformational goals!
