As 2020 comes to a close, many people can’t wait to see the back of it, good riddance 2020! But if we just choose to forget about, what can we learn from it? There’s no denying it’s been a year to remember, one for the history books. But it was also a year that saw people coming together in clever ways, to keep connections alive. It saw businesses becoming innovative, figuring out how to keep running with some amazing out of the box thinking.
For me, 2020 was a year of growth, learning, opportunity and stronger family connections. Yes, there’s been times when I’ve been anxious, filled with worries for the future, but I managed to embrace the challenges and the feelings of discomfort, because, really, what’s the other option? Sit and ruminate, fester on the year it’s been and fill myself with negativity for what the future holds? I’m choosing to reflect on 2020 and what it taught me. Here are the lessons I learned:
1. People are resilient. And so am I! Okay I knew this but felt inspired by just how resilient people are. We entered lockdown, and everyone’s first thought was “How am I going to do this?” But it wasn’t long before everyone shook off the helpless feelings and just got on with it. Human beings have the ability to bounce back when hardship occurs and in 2020 I saw this happen more rapidly than ever before. Personal trainers, yoga teachers and the rest got right down to delivering on-line classes. I saw pubs and cafes turn into food shops. Parents juggled home schooling and working because they simply had to.
2. Slowing down is good for the soul. And it is just what I needed to actually get things done. I think my life’s pace before entering the initial lockdown period was starting to pass me out. I needed to slow down to get back on track, and found that when I did, I was more productive than I remember being in a long time. I focused on the tasks that were important to me and, one by one, the things that had been on my to-do list for a year got ticked off it! People started businesses, picked up long left behind hobbies, I found clients to coach and started meditation and journaling. Suddenly, it all started to come together, I just needed to slow down, take a breath and find the balance I was seeking in my life.
3. I can do things that terrify me, I just need to start them. 2020 was the year I started to really believe in my abilities. I am so much better at things than I thought and now I know I will reach my goals and follow my dreams because I will not stop trying until I get there. 2020 saw me take the plunge and give things a go that I didn’t before because I thought I’d be no good at it. I learned I have to embrace discomfort and this is a lesson I MUST take into 2021.
4. The importance of family, friends and connection was reinforced. Thank goodness for the digital age, we could see the faces of our loved ones at the drop of a hat! And people found such wonderful ways to stay connected. Suddenly, neighbours who didn’t even know each other’s names were organising socially distanced fitness classes outside their front gates, coffee mornings and table quiz friends were creating their own on Zoom. On my daily walks it became strange if someone didn’t say hello to me as I passed them by! Perhaps after this year we will all appreciate the power of human connection a bit more and kindness will be the new superpower.
5. I learned to look on the bright side a bit more. Let’s face it, these have been dark times. We have to look for the positives. It seemed an appropriate time to start a gratitude journal which helped me keep up the practice. I noticed things to be thankful for more easily and realised that however I was feeling, I am very lucky indeed.
6. There are lots more ways to have fun than I thought. Organised water fights between my nephew and his retired neighbour. Old board games revisited. Building dens in the garden. Basketball challenges. Trampoline challenges. I started skipping – I haven’t skipped since I was a young child! It's so good for the mind to find joy and fun in the simple things.
7. Finally, I learned that I can do home workouts and they’re not that bad. I never thought I’d say those words!
What has 2020 taught you? Take time to reflect on what you learned and bring these lessons with you into 2021.