Review your Goals

This is an important step; goals provide a sense of purpose and achievement. Just because you can't leave the house anymore doesn't mean you can't continue working on your goals. It's true, some of your goals may not feel relevant right now - maybe you have a work goal and you are currently out of work. But you can make a plan for where you will pick up these goals when life gets back to normal. Other goals may still be completely relevant, such as your health, well-being and fitness goals.
Set New Isolation Goals

There is no better time than now to set some specific isolation goals. Those new habits you've been meaning to work on forming, that new skill you always said you wanted to learn - the time is now! Perhaps you want to set a good sleep routine, start a new diet, hit certain exercise goals, learn new cookery skills - the list is endless of things you can do to improve your learning and habits while stuck at home. Some of these can be mini goals, like some household chores you've been meaning to get around to. Complete them and enjoy the sense of satisfaction it brings. Make a to-do list and ensure you tick something off it each day. No matter how small it is, ticking it off will give you a sense of achiement. Being productive makes us feel purposeful. There is no better time than now to get on with the household chores and spring cleaning tasks you may have been putting off.
Keep a Routine

Clearly you can't all keep exactly to your old routine. Some of you are now juggling working from home with home schooling your children. Your routine will change but do set a new one. Routine is important, it provides structure and helps you get things done. So wake, eat meals and go to sleep at a usual time.
Find Balance

Balance is important and now is the perfect time to work out the perfect balance for you. It is too easy to continue working late into the evening, while your self-care and social connections fall by the wayside. Agree with yourself set times for work, leisure, rest and catching up virtually with friends and family. If you are not working and the days feel too long, why not sign up for a course on-line or learn a new skill?
Eat Well

Boost your immune system with your diet. This is an easy time to make poor food choices but try and resist. Be mindful of how much snacking you are doing and limit alcohol and caffeine intake. These interfere with the wonderful sleep routine you have worked to set up and they increase anxiety. When we eat well our skin looks brighter, we sleep better and we feel less sluggish and more energetic.
Exercise and get outside if you can!

There's no denying spending a little time in nature does wonders for our mental well-being. If you are lucky enough to be allowed outside to exercise once a day, then do it! Exercise makes us feel more positive and optimistic (and who doesn't need more of that right now?!) It encourages smarter food choices and promotes better sleep. Do something every day that increases your heart rate. Move and stretch your body to combat all the sitting you might be doing for the rest of the day. If you can't exercise outside, open your windows to let the fresh air in and get moving indoors. Fitness instructors all around the world are posting virtual classes on line, there is something for everyone, so whether you are into aerobics, yoga, pilates, strength training or whatever it might be, it's all there for you to access.
Stay connected

'Connect' is one of's 5 ways to well-being. They say that "strengthening relationships with others and feeling close to and valued by others, including at work, is critical to boosting well-being." Everyone you know right now is going through great change. They are adapting to new ways of living and working. Staying connected, being there for someone who needs to talk or having someone listen to you is important. You are not alone, no matter how alone you feel. Embrace the new way of staying connected, use FaceTime, Zoom, Skype or just pick up the phone. Share your feelings, tell stories, tell your loved ones you miss and love them, laugh, cry... whatever it is you need to do, just don't do it alone.
All of the above will keep you sane and grounded during this very insane time. And none of it is rocket science, these are all things that keep our general well-being in check when we are not experiencing life in lockdown. But right now, as we are going through uncomfortable change, it is more important than ever to make an extra special effort to prioritise our mental health and well-being.