Did you know that improving your sleep can improve your mood?

Did you know that good sleepers tend to look on the bright side more?
They are also likely to make better food and exercise choices.
Good sleepers tend to have stronger immune systems and elevated moods, in comparison to consistently poor sleepers.
Oh, and they are less likely to suffer from heart disease and have better memories.
Why aren't we taught this stuff in school?!
But although sleep is free and accessible to all, we struggle with it. We are a nation of poor sleepers, which is such a shame, as good sleep brings with it so many benefits. We can instantly positively affect our happiness levels by improving our sleep.
So, if you:
Struggle to fall asleep at night or
Wake in the night and can't get back to sleep or
You wake up in the morning feeling exhausted, even if you got 8 hours
Then here's how to get started:
Consistent sleep and wake times
Natural light as soon as possible in the morning
Cut caffeine after lunch
Dim lights in the evening
Dark and quiet bedroom
Get in touch to chat about my Sleep Well Live Well webinars or face to face workshops to help you or your organisation reap the many rewards of improved sleep.