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Habits and Procrastination

Writer: Emer PatemanEmer Pateman

Now that we know a lot more about habits and we know about procrastination, it's time to look at how one can help combat the other. We can use the science of habits to help us overcome procrastination and stay motivated to do what we want to do.

Here's how:

Limit the risk of procrastination in your environment

Remember the craving or cue part of the habit loop? Well, if you can do something to stop that reminder from being so obvious or accessible, it will help interrupt the process and help you get more done. So if your procrastination habit is to play Candy Crush, delete it from your phone! Same goes for Facebook or whatever your procrastination vice is. I have a friend who used to procrastinate sleep when she went to bed by scrolling through Facebook so she deleted it from her phone. She still has a Facebook account but has to log in to her laptop to view it so it becomes more of a mindful act when she is checking it. And now she sleeps so much better!

You have the power to set up your environment to enable you to either procrastinate or take action. Set it up so that you make good choices and can form good habits. If you can't help but reach for sweets and biscuits then put them on a super high shelf so they take more effort to grab than nuts and fruit. Or better yet don't buy them at all.

By making things harder to do, such as getting out your laptop to see Facebook or standing on a chair to reach the cookies, you are less likely to do them. Simple!

Find an accountability buddy

I'm a coach, so I'm all about the accountability. Knowing someone will check in with you to track your progress makes you so much more likely to carry out your new habit. I was trying to increase my meditation habit but always seemed to find something else to do. Out of the blue my friend invited me to a 21 day meditation challenge and, each day when I completed the meditation, I had to text her the word 'Done.' She had created accountability and I didn't miss one day of meditation. There were a couple of days when I put it off all day long but I still made sure I did it before I went to sleep. And mostly, I got it done before bedtime. Removing the triggers from our environment is a very effective way to break the habit of procrastination, but unfortunately it's not enough on its own. Telling someone you will do something (your good habit and what you are procrastinating) means you are far more likely to not want to let them down. Tell your coach, a colleague, sibling or friend. The important thing is that they will check in on your progress.

Another way to get accountability is to arrange to do things with your friends. If you want to get fit but always put off going to the gym, arrange to go with a friend - that way you won't want to let them down and have to show up. Make it hard to procrastinate.

You can also create your own accountability by imposing deadlines on yourself. I do this all the time and it really works for me. At work, I'll prioritise three things I want to accomplish that day or if I am working on something, I'll tell myself no lunch break until it's done. At home if the housework is piling up, I'll tell myself I don't get to go for a run until it's done, or sit down at the end of the day to watch TV until I've dealt with it. This way, you are also giving yourself a reward for completing your desired action. Watching TV or my lunch is my reward for not procrastinating and getting things done. And us coaches also love to ensure there is a reward for taking on your goals.

Remember procrastination is triggered by an emotional response to having to complete an action - frustration, boredom, anxiety. It's not because we are lazy, there's something deeper going on. So go easy on yourself.

So, to form new habits and overcome procrastination, make it difficult to procrastinate, find an accountability buddy and reward yourself!

Good luck and please share if you have overcome procrastination by changing your habits and let me know how you did it.



Personal Coach

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