"Rise and Shine!"

I am not a morning person. I never have been. I hold all morning people in reverence, telling myself I want to be just like them but really believing it will never happen. I have spent most of my life wishing I could just be a morning person, thinking how much more productive I'd be, how great it would feel to achieve more during the day, get exercise out of the way first thing, how it would be nice not to have a manic rush to get out the door every single morning and arrive at work with a calmer mind etc. Now, though, is the time to make a change. I decided to use lockdown and a time when I’m not going anywhere to create a morning routine in the hopes that when I am getting up earlier to go to work again, I will want to give myself some extra time for what I know are all important self-care practices. Whether I’m successful or not at least I‘ll know I tried to switch up my routine and create new habits to make it happen. It won't be easy, but I'll list now what I think builds a perfect morning routine.

Why is it so important anyway?
There are many benefits to establishing a healthy morning routine. The biggest one for me is that I know how doing everything in such a rush to get out the door in time does not support my wellbeing one bit. In fact, it has quite a negative effect on me because I'm starting the day off stressed out and we all know the negative effects stress brings with it. When I leave a little extra time to do things that support my wellbeing, even if it's just that I can sit in the morning silence with a cup of coffee and mentally prepare for the day ahead, I feel so much calmer going to work. I feel like nothing can ruin my day because I started on a good footing. I arrive at work more positive and my productivity and confidence are increased compared to those days when it's all a rush to get to work on time. The stress of the journey affects my mood, stress levels and productivity and I find on these days I simply don't know where to start once I sit down at my desk.
A healthy morning routine starts with giving yourself time to wake up gently and mentally prepare for the day ahead. This routine will be different for everyone, but perhaps the following should be considered:

Beware of snooze! I am a self-confessed serial snoozer and I hate it! I know it's not benefiting my sleep yet still I press that button. We sleep in 90 minute cycles, so each time you fall back to sleep and the alarm wakes you again, you are interrupting a cycle and will just feel more groggy. So don't do a me and just get up!

Eat a nutritious breakfast, one that is high in fibre and protein. This will help to keep you going until lunchtime and prevent you from making unhealthy food choices mid morning.

Stretch! Move your body - any way you can. Just allow time for it in your morning routine. It may be gentle yoga stretches or you may be one of those people I aspire to be, who fit in a run before work, whatever it is - the important thing is to move. My massage therapist said I should dance while I'm waiting for the kettle to boil in the morning to loosen up my spine. Movement gets the blood circulating again after lying down all night and, with so many of us sitting down behind a desk all day, movement in the morning is so important for your physical and mental health.
Shower - I know some people are all about showering or having a bath the night before but I am a big believer that this must happen in the morning so you leave feeling fresh, clean and ready to take on the day (smelling great)!

Contemplate your day ahead. Don't dive straight into the news or scroll through your phone. You may choose to just sit in silence with your morning tea or coffee or you might like to meditate. This may be the only moment of quiet you have in a day, give yourself time (even if it's only 5 minutes) to be still. When you are rushing and stressed because you got up late again, your heart rate rises and with it your stress levels. Keep things slow and calm.

Write in a journal or write a to-do list for the day. Journaling can be a wonderful tool first thing - I like to jot down 3 intentions for the day ahead in my #positivityplanner. Quite often I don't allow enough time for this but when I do, I really do hold these intentions consciously in my mind throughout the day.
I am also a BIG list writer and I review my to-do list, with the top 3 priorities at the top, each morning. I like to write my to-do list the evening before so that I have everything out of my head and I can get a good night's sleep. Reviewing the list first thing in the morning and getting clear on what actions I need to take that day organises my thoughts and I feel calmer about the day and ready for what tasks lie ahead.
Speaking of the night before, as I am always in such a rush to get out the door, I plan out my morning the evening before. My clothes are hanging and ready to put on. I know what I will be having for breakfast and lunch is already boxed up and in the fridge. My to-do list written and if I want to exercise after work, my workout bag is packed and by the front door. Preparation and organisation are key to my mornings.
I know all of the above won't be possible when I am back to working full time and getting up at 6am. But I hope I carry on with some of these as they have done wonders for my self care. The above are suggestions for good morning practices. You are not superman/woman - don't attempt them all. Use what works for you.
If you have any morning routine tips please share in the comments! And if you are a converted morning person, please tell me how you did it!
Ciara I’m glad you like the tips. Let me know if any worked for you! 😊
I’m definitely a morning person but am certainly not organised in the mornings so i definitely could be more productive!
Some good tips here Emer, thanks!