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Coaching You Through Coronavirus

Writer: Emer PatemanEmer Pateman

Updated: May 21, 2020

#Motivation at the moment for many people may be at an all time low. Social distancing and suddenly working from home, or not working at all, will take it's toll on people's drive to get things done. Right now, a #lifecoach may be just what you need to get back on track and see this time as one of opportunity. Opportunity to tackle new projects, get back on track with old ones that you were struggling to keep up with when you had a full time job. Opportunity to finally get around to all those household chores and projects, sign up for that on-line course you've been looking at and complete it productively and so much more. It may even be an opportunity to work productively from home and also focus more on your #health and #wellbeing now you have claimed back your commute time. We have probably all made a big to-do list of the things we want to get done now we are on a government lockdown, but that doesn't mean it's easy to knuckle down and get on with them.

This is where a #coach comes in. A coach will listen as you talk through your current reality versus your big vision. They will help you break down that one big project into small, achievable steps. They will allow for silences in the conversation, affording you time to think and come up with your own insights and aha moments. With your coach supporting you, you will formulate a plan to work your way through your goals and, here's the best bit, they will check in with you as often as you agree to celebrate your progress with you - you have someone to be accountable to, making it much more likely that you will complete the tasks you committed to. With that done, you'll set more next actions, bringing you ever closer to achieving your big picture goal and bringing the vision closer to a reality.

Instead of worrying and complaining about your current reality during Covid 19, your coach can help you choose acceptance of the current situation. They will talk you through your desired outcome, which may be as simple as, you want to feel less anxious right now, completely understandable when anxiety is globally at an all time high. Your coach will assist you in deciding what the next step is that you need to take to get closer to your desired outcome. If your goal is more concrete, a work goal, a fitness goal, a study goal, a home project goal, the process will still be the same. What is the next step you need to take to get you closer to your desired outcome?

If you would like to work with me and be coached to help you achieve your goals, please send me a message through my website. We can arrange a complimentary call to discuss the coaching journey that we would go on together.



Personal Coach

Emer Patemen Coaching 2023 - All rights reserved

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